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Bianca Bondi, Milk of Amnesia

04.13 — 06.09

The visual artist Bianca Bondi has transformed this art centre into an artificial landscape made up of natural objects. In this immersive creation, she explores nutritional her work is set out in monumental, immersive installations, as well as in two-dimensional pieces. She selects her materials according to their intrinsic properties or their potential for transformation, combining them to create strange new surfaces.

Curatorship: Patrick Lebret, Director of Le Portique

Le Portique - centre régional d'art contemporain du Havre

30 rue Gabriel Péri
76600 Le Havre
Practical informations : ▶︎ Horaires d'ouverture :
Ouvert du mardi au dimanche de 14h à 18h
Horaires d'été : Ouvert du mardi au dimanche de 13h à 19h
Ouvert les jours fériés

▶︎ Accès :
Pour venir : tramway A et B - bus lignes 3 et 5 (arrêt Palais de Justice)
  • Bianca Bondi, The Antechamber (Tundra swan), 2020, The Busae Biennale, Cur. Jacob Fabricius, Busan, KR.

  • Bianca Bondi, The private view of non-human entities, 2020. Chapter 3hree, Cur. Maarten Spruyt, Het HEM, NL.