Laurent Millet is sharing his recent series of photographs, to be viewed as satellites of his scientific imagination, and is presenting new work from his residency devoted to the astonishing anatomical and vegetal models of Docteur Auzoux (Eure, 1797-1880). The photographer Laurent Millet’s work draws up a highly personal mapping of the scientific world; science being for him a site for experimentation and investigation, seen as a vector for the imaginary.
Curatorship: Raphaëlle Stopin, Director of the Centre Photographique Rouen Normandie
Practical informations : ▶︎ Horaires d'ouverture : Mardi au samedi de 14h à 19h sauf jours fériés.
▶︎ Accès : En voiture : parking de l’Hôtel de Ville à proximité. En train : gare Rouen Rive Droite. En métro : arrêt Palais de Justice. En bus : arrêt Hôtel de Ville (lignes F1, F2, 5, 6 et 20) ou arrêt Saint-Nicolas (lignes F1 et 6).