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Les Voyages

05.29 — 06.02

Eighteen figures dressed in black occupy the streets and buildings of Le Havre, animating with their sensitive acrobatics the town that gave birth to Impressionism. The geometry of bodies and the lightness of the movements suspend the round of daily life in a moment of artistic voluptuousness.

▶︎ Practical information :

Spontaneous appearances from 29 May to 1 June
Major meeting with the public: 2 June at 3pm at Le Volcan Scène-nationale du Havre (subject to change in the event of bad weather)

Le Volcan Scène nationale du Havre

Espace Niemeyer
76600 Le Havre
Practical informations : ▶︎ Horaires d'ouverture :
Du mardi au vendredi : de 13h à 18h
Le samedi : de 14h à 17h30

Pendant les vacances scoalaires :
Du mardi au vendredi : de 14h à 17h30
  • Les voyages

  • Les voyages

  • Les voyages

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