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La Zone

06.29 — 09.22

La Zone is a female response to Tarkovsky’s film Stalker. Olga Kisseleva makes use of artificial intelligence to produce works made of “voile lacté”, a new material made from milk, and offers a creation that extinguishes violence and turns towards acceptance.

Produced in partnership with the Institut Pasteur and APHP, these works were created in collaboration with Tatiana Drozd, Taisiya Polishchuk, Lola Sergent and Elie Barthès.

Musée d'Art, Histoire et Archéologie d'Évreux

2 esplanade Anne Baudot
27000 Évreux
Practical informations : ▶︎ Horaires d'ouverture :
Ouvert du mardi au vendredi : de 9h30 à 12h et de 14h à 18h
Samedi et dimanche : de 10h à 12h30 et de 14h à 18h

Entrée libre
  • Olga Kisseleva, La zone, esquissse installaton, champ de fleurs

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