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Une autre fin du monde est possible, Geraldine Py et Roberto Verde


05.05 — 07.14

Le SHED has given out two cartes blanches to artists with a very clear spirit of innovation. Thomas Teurlai has adopted Site Gresland to extend his experimentations with sculptures, nourished by contemporary science fiction. He invents fantasy worlds using waste, in a kind of reaction to a post-apocalyptic universe. As for the duo Géraldine Py & Roberto Verde, they have invested the Académie as a new place to inhabit. With a touch of humour, they have invented a warren for an imaginary species: a rat and robot hybrid. These extremely powerful visual works open out the horizon of another world.

Curatorship: Jonathan Loppin, Director of Le SHED


96 rue des Martyrs de la Résistance
76150 Maromme
Practical informations : ▶︎ Horaires d'ouverture :
Entrée libre les mercredis, samedis et dimanches de 14h à 18h
  • Thomas Teurlai, Subsidences, 2022

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